The Importance of Being a COACH:
I’m motivated to be the best coach I can be for you. I love to hear people’s stories and am inquisitive (my husband would say ‘nosey’). I’ve spent most of my career leading teams and developing people and always challenged myself to find new and interesting ways to empower people. I love seeing people connect with each other and I also love seeing people’s faces light up when they’ve realised they have had the answer all along. This is my main driver for becoming a coach. I believe in you – now you need to start believing in yourself.
In WORK Mode:
I have a natural drive to always improve things (I love developing better ways of doing things) and I’m also a qualified accountant. I’ve never been a traditional accountant as I’ve spent most of my time developing new systems and processes and managing change across large Finance teams in the Financial Services sector. Therefore adapting to change and dealing with ambiguity, sifting through complexity to get to the root of the challenge is ingrained into me.
I use this experience in helping people sift through their thoughts to build an understandable picture of who they are. I’ve seen how finding the purpose of what you do is incredibly important to drive the desire to change and empower people to action.
I like being creative and using visual techniques and exercises to enhance understanding and learning. Trust me, it will be fun.
My Coaching Journey
I was stuck in the repeatable daily grind of a good corporate job that just didn’t make me feel like I was making enough of a difference. I wasn’t being able to utilise my creativity and skills in the way I thought would be beneficial but I didn’t know what I wanted to do or how to change. So I was STUCK!
I thought being satisfied at work was about climbing the promotion ladder as then people would think I was successful. It wasn’t until I got a coach that I connected the dots – the environment wasn’t right for me to flourish and have the freedom I wanted to make my own decisions. So instead of waiting for someone to tell me I was ‘good enough’ or choose my next role for me, I focused on what was really important to me, my values and my passion to give people hope and a way to be who they want to be. I was running a development network on top of my daily job in the organisation and that was the only thing that felt right. So, I invested in myself for the first time in years on a coaching course …and it felt great! I was taking control of my future … and now I am here to help you to take control of yours.
My Guiding Principles For Life
But the most beautiful things in life are not just things.
They’re people and places, memories and pictures.
They’re feelings and moments and smiles and laughter.